CSF at FLoC in Oxford!

It's about time I ended up back in Oxford for a conference again, and I'm finding myself back at the Gourmet Burger Kitchen and the local sushi place for a taste of the food I had back when I attended ICFP 2017 and haven't had a good excuse to come back and eat since.

It's no exaggeration at all to say that I massively enjoyed CSF 2018. Apparently, this year saw a record number of paper submissions and the first trial run of the CFP distingiushed paper awards, one recipient of which I very enjoyed talking with about both their research, and just academic life at their institution in general.

As with any large conference, there were also a few people that I encountered for a moment, enjoyed meeting, then lost sight of and only fleetingly saw again amongst the crowds of attendees, who were here for not only CSF but also LiCS, ITP, etc. It'll be to the proceedings, then, to dig out e-mail addresses to send my greetings (and questions) to.

It's easy, living in an industrial town in the north, to forget that a change of scenery can bring about a change in thinking and a wave of new ideas. Now to get them down on paper before they vanish.